Acupuncture, Acupressure, and Aromatherapy are shown to activate the parasympathetic response via the neuroendocrine system (a network of nerves and hormones), and the effect is to slow breathing, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation.
Melissa uses specific points used during treatment to calm the mind, balance hormones, and bring you physiologically into a state of equilibrium, which reduces your mind’s perception of anxiety, depression, physical and mental stress, as well as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and chronic mental illness.
Calming the mental chatter and encouraging restful sleep works hand in hand to improve mood. The correlation between sleep and mood has been widely studied (see WebMD, The Sleep Foundation, News Medical, GoodRx Health, etc).
Melissa was trained in aromatherapy at the American College of Health Sciences and often incorporates essential oils during treatments, to enhance the energetic effects, or when acupuncture is not appropriate or tolerated. She also has a degree in Psychology.
Sacred Beauty Oils
Sacred Beauty creates organic, full-spectrum, sun-grown, non-psychoactive hemp CBD blends for body massage and facial use. Made with love locally in Santa Cruz, this massage oil is usually my base for cupping therapy and helps treat muscle pain, spasms and inflammation.
Doterra Essential Oils
Doterra has established the highest quality standard in the essential oil industry. I diffuse Doterra blends in the office and use in treatments to stimulate acupoints to encourage connection of emotional and mental health with the physical body. Doterra and Sacred Beauty are for purchase with in-office consultation and instructions on how and when to use.
CBD Clinic Pain Sticks
Clinical strength CBD penetrates deeply through the skin to offer cooling, powerful relief from muscle and joint pain associated with simple backaches, arthritis, sprains, strains, bruises, and sports-related muscle soreness. Formulated with the highest quality active and naturally-derived ingredients available on the market, including cooling menthol and camphor along with additional plant extracts to maximum benefit. Available for purchase with in-office consultation or via gift certificate.
Gift Baskets & Travel Kits
Self care is health care, and it is so important to foster your own personal relationship to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally! Self care gift baskets are now available for purchase in the office. These customizable gift baskets include a gift certificate for acupuncture and a variety of supplements and tools for pain, anxiety, allergies, self care, and more. You can also purchase a customized kit for use during travel, complete with all your necessary products and a personalized tutorial. Give yourself or a loved one the great gift of health!
Facial Gua Sha Tools
Facial Gua Sha is offered as part of Beauty Acupuncture treatments as well as any facial treatments to treat aging skin, allergies, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain, etc. I utilize a combination of safer skincare products and custom essential oil bends in each facial treatment. Proper technique (with my coaching) is crucial for activating the body’s lymph drainage during allergy attacks, for smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to release muscle tension that becomes trapped in the forward, neck and along the jawline.
Excel Muscle Relief Hemp Cream
This fast-acting recovery cream provides quick, soothing relief to muscle aches and joint discomfort. Full Spectrum Hemp Oil is delivered via BIOSYNQ™ technology, which offers immediate delivery of this comforting blend of herbs, botanicals, and essential oils. Extremely useful for sore muscles and aching joints, Excel cream offers a cooling/warming sensation to reduce inflammation of targeted areas. Available for purchase through the link, with in-office consultation, or via gift certificate.